Saturday, March 31, 2012

no-reply blogger???

Have you noticed how most blogs say somewhere, "if you are a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave your email address"... for whatever reason (giveaways, comments, etc.) I've had a few people ask how they know if they are a no-reply blogger. If you never get emails back from comments you left that may be one way to tell. But either way, I found a pretty good tutorial for how to fix it, or how to check.

Just note that you have to go to the old dashboard view in google - then it will look like her pictures (in your dashboard go to the top right corner and click on the wheel, and click on old blogger interface).  I don't know why they haven't put this option in the new interface yet. Anyway, she has pictures, and in case you get lost you can leave me a comment and I'd be more than happy to help! :) (just make sure to leave your email address or check back here for an answer in the comments!) :)

tutorial here at Sweet Simplicity (I simply googled for a tutorial, so I can't vouch for anything else on this blog. fyi).


1 comment:

  1. I used to be a no reply blogger until I read that! It's funny how there are things you don't know about.
    Specially the word verification =D


Thanks for stopping in to say hi! I always love your comments, they make me smile!

If you have a no-reply account, be sure to leave your email address so I can respond to you.