Sunday, April 1, 2012

Modern She Made Swap

My good friend Lori is hosting an awesome swap on Flickr!!!! It's called the Modern She Made Swap. It looks awesome and I really want to join, but I am constraining myself so I can get caught up on a few other things! There just better be another round so I can get in next time!! ;) I am totally signing up!!! There are a lot of people that I *know* that have signed up so far, and I totally want to play with my friends! :) So COME JOIN US!!!

Lori sent me a little info about it so you can know what it's all about:

Sign ups began April 1st (that's right now! Go sign up!!!) and end April 6th or whenever they reach 100 participants, whichever comes first. So make sure you sign up quickly!

Once you comment in the official sign up thread and fill out the questionnaire, the swap mamas will then review your photostream and make sure you are in good standing in your previous swaps!

For this swap you will be making one large item for your partner. For example, a mini quilt, a set of placemats, a sewing machine cover, a pillow cover .... I think you get the idea! The only stipulation is that you have to incorporate a circle into the project somewhere. Whether it be by using appliqued circles, quilting in a circular pattern, or making your project in the shape of a circle. The circle can be a big part of your design or a tiny part. The possibilities are endless.

I love circles! And what could be more modern?! Make sure to go check it out and sign up! The mosaics that are already up look great! :) I am definitely going to be keeping my eye on this one. :)



  1. You should totally sign up! The send offs aren't until May so you have plenty of time! =D

  2. I have to stop reading your blog - i see too many things i want to do! just because i spend time twiddling my thumbs everyday wondering what to do with myself (not) i have signed up to. i have never done a flickr swap before so can tick another blogland first box. i so love the mosaics of all the modern stuff out there. actually it is rather daunting but, hey, we need to keep pushing our boundaries, don't we? cheers, Karen.


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