Saturday, May 26, 2012

70's Geese Pattern Review by Katie!

My good friend Katie of There & Back was so kind to review my latest pattern! I am so in love with how she put this together!

70's Geese
Isn't it amazing?!

The pattern is 70's Geese, which you can find in my Craftsy store here. You can check out her blog post here to read her thoughts and comments about it.

Thanks again Katie! :)
You can see more of my patterns made by other in my flickr group:



  1. OH wow! I just checked out the pattern and I never would have seen Katie's block in my mind's eye. It's absolutely lovely!! Do you have a flickr group for your blocks? That might help quilter's see blocks in multiple perspectives :O)

  2. derp! I went to Katie's blog and saw the link to your flickr group!

  3. OK, it has seriously been busy around here, but HOW did I miss this? I will own it shortly :-)

  4. A great version! Katie did and amazing job =D

    I'm hosting a new swap over at my blog if anyone is interested please pop over for a look =D

  5. Wow that looks so good. One of the things I love about quilting so much is one block, different fabrics and a unique and different looking quilt is born. Congrats on the well deserved Craftsy success you are having. It is easily seen why. Cheers, Karen

  6. You are too sweet. Thanks for giving me the chance to do it. Anytime you need a review-er, I'm in ;-)


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