Monday, May 28, 2012

Mini Tote Bag: A Pattern Re-write pdf


I wrote this tutorial over a year ago! I was trying to put some items together to help my kids last through church. It kind of worked, kind of didn't. But these bags have lasted and lasted. If we aren't using them for one thing, they're being used for another. Including my husband using the green one all the time!

The young women in my church have been talking to me about teaching them how to make them. We tried last Wednesday, but man did I underestimate how long everything takes when you're teaching someone else to make something!

We got started with them, but setting up all the sewing machines, searching for power cords, picking out fabrics and everything else took longer than I thought.

I decided I definitely needed to clean up the tutorial as well as make it a pdf so I could easily share it on paper. Thanks to Craftsy's great pattern shop it is so worth it to share it there as well! I'm going to leave my old tutorial up on my blog under Tutorials, but I'll also add in the link to the pdf for anyone who wants to use it.

The format is basically the same as what is on my blog, but I've cleaned up the steps and improved it a bit. It's funny to look back on something I made a year and a half ago and see where I am now and what I would do differently. Not that it's changed that much, but it's changed a little. I do want to make another bag and take better pictures! Unfortunately the pictures when printed out in black and white aren't great, so I definitely want to improve those. But hey, it's a free pattern, so hopefully no one will complain. Plus you can always come back and see the pictures on my blog! (click on them to enlarge them!)

You can find the pdf pattern for the Mini Tote Bag here:

I'd love to know what you think and what feedback you may have! I am hoping that after we move and get settled in a little bit I can spruce it up even more and add some fun variations to it! :)

If you make it, will you share it in my flickr group? :D

P.s. I really hope everyone in the US enjoyed their holiday today!  
A HUGE Thank you to all of our service men! 
Previous and currently serving! As well as their families who sacrifice so much!


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