Monday, November 5, 2012

Help Make Quilts for Hurricane Sandy Victims

I don't know if you've stopped by Quilting for A Cause lately, or perhaps some other groups on Flickr. But there is a new group, Hurricane Sandy Help, looking for some help in making quilt blocks. It's a fairly simple pattern, and I think it will look rather nice.The tutorial for the quilt block can be found here. Jennifer needs the blocks by Nov 25th so she can make the quilts and take them to NJ in December. You do need to go to the flickr group and sign up so she knows you are making blocks.

Hurricane blocks
 These are two that FlickrDeb50 made (hope you don't mind!! She's a sweetie, so I'm sure she won't since it's for a good cause) ;) Aren't these great?!

Go here to find out more details about Hurricane Sandy Help.

There are also a few other people who have started threads for quilts for Hurricane Sandy as well. (Like this awesome design (GO SEE IT! IT'S AWESOME!) that one quilt guild is going to make to raffle for the Red Cross - she needs blocks by the 13th) If you are willing and able to help out, please do! :)

And of course there are other calls for help in the group too, so I hope you will stop by and help where you can. :)



  1. It is an awesome block and for a great cause. I'm already working on mine.

  2. So where can I find the original link for this cause. While it's obviously HST blocks, looking at the Flickr group doesn't help with size, where the blocks go, who is coordinating, etc. I would love to make one but need more info.

  3. Thank you so much for linking us up, I joined and so did my daughter, I will help try to spread the word as well.

  4. Those look great! I'm hoping to make some soon. Wonderful and simple design.


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