Monday, November 5, 2012

Stockings of Cheer!

stocking button

Kristy, over at Hopeful Threads hosts a monthly sew project every  month. I saw her project for this month, and just had to share it! She's hosting Stocking of Cheer! for Children's Hospital. Basically, you make a stocking and donate it to your local children's hospital for those children that will be in the hospital over the holidays. You can also stuff it full of goodies before you drop it off. ;)

If you don't have a local hospital, which I don't know that I do, you can also send a stocking, or stocking stuffers to Kristy or Dona of Sewing Miles of Smiles.

How great is that?! Anyway, I wanted to share this in case your are interested. :) I'm all for supporting a good cause. If you have other good causes you are hosting, or know about, (or any events for that matter) you can share them in the Mark Your Calendar linky, or the Flickr Group. Or if it's quilting/sewing related, share it in the Quilting for a Cause group! There are many willing hands out there!



  1. My dream is to quilt every quilt that I have ever sewed and to no longer have any UFO's.


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