Friday, May 3, 2013

Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day, and a BABY!

It has been dead around here on the blog lately, but I still can't miss out on Sew, Mama, Sew's giveaway day! Starts Monday May 6th. I'm planning on offering up some patterns, maybe some fabric, and if I find anything else, well, we'll see. :) be sure to come stop by. And check out for more details.

Otherwise, the little Mr has arrived! He was sick for a bit and spent some time in the NICU, but now he's home with us and we all love him so much!! I'll share more soon, hopefully. ;) mostly I just hold him all day until the Mr comes home and steals him away from me. :)


  1. Oh my, such a sweet picture!! Congratulations! :)

  2. Awe, congratulations! Such a precious little treasure!

  3. So glad the little Mr has arrived and you are both doing well! Relax and enjoy him!xx

  4. So glad he is OK. He is cute. I'm waiting for a new grandson to make an appearance soon.

  5. Your little Mr is adorable! Congratulations to his family.

  6. Aww! What a sweet little guy. :) Congrats Diane!

  7. Such a beautiful baby! Congratulations!

  8. What a great pic! He looks so adorable :)

  9. Congratulations! Who wouldn't want to snuggle this little man all day....

  10. That is the best baby pic ever! Congratulations on this beautiful child.

  11. Congratulations! There is absolutely nothing in life better than snuggling with your newborn. Soak it up!


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