Saturday, April 13, 2013

Quarter 2: Finish-A-Long Projects

You'd think I'd remember to write my post for the 2nd Quarter of the FAL over at She Can Quilt, but of course, I'm doing it last minute again. :) That's just how I roll right now I guess. ;)

she can quilt

Anyway, I'm so excited to have some of the projects from last quarter off my list, but I also have some new projects to add. Let's see how I do this quarter. I'm hopeful!

Here's my list in no particular order:


1. Mabel's Quilt. Just waiting to be basted. I've been holding off on this because I'm so nervous to quilt it! I got both of the boys quilts professionally quilted, and they look so good. I don't want hers to be any less amazing. I really wanted to quilt flowers on it, which I might still do, but I think I'm finally ok to just do what I'm good at and make it look good rather than try something I'm not good at just to make it comparable to the boys quilts. Anyway, I think she'll love it if I can finish it. :) For some reason I really don't want to crawl all over the floor to baste it right now. Hm, I wonder why that could be?! ;)


2. Kaleidoscope Quilt: I need to piece the back for it. I want to do it like the back of this quilt, but with the colors/prints I used on the front. It's just been a matter of going through my stash and pulling out all those fabrics. I really should just get this one out of the way... it's been way to long!


3. Mood Blues Quilt: I need a lot more blocks before this is finished. This quilt is stuck at about the same spot as the kaleidoscope quilt - it's just a matter of pulling fabrics for it and doing it. I have 20 blocks (all made by my bee members... one year ago?). They finish at 10" x 10", and will (almost) all have a yellow strip in the center with blues and greens. I think it'll be gorgeous! (I just pulled the blocks out to look at them again. I think seeing them and having them out is a good plan for actually making progress on them. Maybe that's my problem, I put things away and they get forgotten about!) Anyway, I'm thinking if it finishes at 60 x 70 (is that a good size?) Then I need 42 blocks, so just 22 more to go. That's not so bad I guess!

two blocks are missing from this photo.

4. Giant Granny Quilt: I actually wanted to pull this one out last night and work on it, but I resisted and worked on some of the projects that I already have out instead. I need to start finishing more instead of project hoping and not finishing any at all. I found the perfect backing for this one, and I'm so excited! I was going to make it as a floor quilt/rug type thing for Mabel's room, but I just might have to keep it for myself. :)


5. Nest Quilt: Ok, I have too many unfinished quilts. I don't know why I say "I quilt" because I don't think I make enough quilts to qualify as a quilter. lol. I've been thinking about this lately, and it kind of makes me laugh. I don't know what I do... but I don't think quilt is one of them. ;) Hoping to change that. :) This quilt and the Giant Granny are two quilts I want to write up patterns for. I think that's been my stopping block for them... there always seems to be that one extra step that puts everything on hold. Every project seems to have it... maybe if I realize that I can stop getting stuck and just finish things. :) crossing my fingers.


6. Ok, I think this is the last quilt: Baby Quilt #4. I have the pattern and design all worked out. I think even though this baby is coming NOW, I'm not even going to worry about it until I get these other quilts out of the way. Every child has had to wait a little while for their quilts, Mabel being the longest now, but oh well. At least they are getting one right?! :) I think this would be another fun quilt pattern. (Can you tell I really enjoy making patterns? I have yet to make a quilt pattern though, so I'm a little intimidated by it.) Anyway, it's actually really quick and easy!!


Are you tired of looking at all these yet? I am determined to knock all these constant repeats off my list this quarter!!!

Other Sewing Projects:

7. This Starburst Mini. I really need to finish this. I already quilted it, but I am now wishing it was bigger. I also don't know if I should make it a pillow or a mini quilt. What do you think?


8. Knitting Roll. I don't know why I stopped working on this. I'm actually really close to being done with all these 1" HST's. This is craziness. That's all. ;) I think I have 5 more rows?


9. Travel Duffel Number 2. I didn't realize that I was supposed to prewash my jute when I made my first duffle, and now I'm just waiting to get that washed (wow, I'm starting to feel really lazy with all these hangups. lol.) before I finish this second one. I'm a bit nervous to wash my first one now and hope it won't get totally ruined! I need to blog about these two and put in my two cents about the pattern... it's a fantastic end product, but there are definitely tips and things I want to remember for future times that I make it. (I'm not so fond of vague patterns. I bought it 2 years ago. Maybe it's a better pattern now? I don't know. I know a lot of people are making this right now. I'm curious.) Ok, anyway, that's for another day. I might also make one for the hubby if he ends up wanting one. I think he'd like to have his own. :) I did buy enough jute for a third.


10. Monogrammed Place mats. I'm struggling with these. You can read this post and help me out?! :) I also need to figure out what this new baby's name is going to be and make up the letters for it.


11. Numbers Fabric Book. I am SO excited about this. I am rather happy with how it's coming along and think the kiddos will enjoy it when it's done. I'll blog more about this one this week, but anyway, It will have the number on one side of the page, and then that amount of items on the opposite. It will finish at 6" x 6" closed. So it's not too big. It's been fun to work on, and a little quick. :)


12. Alphabet Book. I started on an Alphabet book before I had finished the lowercase letters for the My ABC's pattern, and only actually got a couple done. I'll either continue and make a book with these like the Numbers book, or turn it into a quilt, which I also want to make with these. :)


13.  Mug Rugs and Coasters. I did make some progress on this last quarter and got them all quilted. Now they just need binding.


14. Advent Calendar. I'm adding this because it is something I want to finish. Sometime. :)


Well, I was hoping to have less this quarter, since I finished up 4 projects last quarter, but it looks like I've added 5. oops. ;)

I also have a few other projects I want to start/make/finish, but I'm not going to add them here. Just make a list, because I like lists. :)
  • Finish My ABC's Number pattern
  • Make a new diaper bag. I already have the pattern and the main fabric picked out.
  • I have a few other patterns I want to finish/put together, along with a few tutorials. Yes, I want to blog more, but it's not a high priority right now.
  • Super high on my priority list: Swap items for Tiffany and Marika. We are doing a little private swap between the three of us, and I am SO excited because they are some of my favorite friends! So I need to get started and finished with their items. :)

Are you linking up in the 2nd Quarter FAL? 
Good luck if you are, and even if you aren't. :)



  1. Wow that is an incredible list. Everything is soooo beautiful!
    esthersipatchandquilt AT yahoo DOT com
    ipatchandquilt DOT wordpress DOT com

  2. This is an excellent list, I am looking forward to watching you finish these lovely projects.


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