Thursday, June 27, 2013

Modern Yardage Pillow!

Here is my last pillow for the month. I love this one! As I was finishing it up last night my hubby asked, "What are you making? a wall hanging?" "No, a pillow." "Yeah!" Did I mention he likes pillows? :)


I had fun photographing this out in the daisy's. I think they go well with the fabric. :)


The sashing is Kona Marine.
All of the prints are by Emilie Daly for Modern Yardage.


I love the white, but really, I can't decide which print is my favorite.

I used Burst in Robin, medium, for the back.

I was recently contacted by Modern Yardage and asked if I wanted to try out their fabric. Um, YES PLEASE!! :) I've been keeping an eye on their website since they launched earlier this year. Their fabrics are great and I love all the options that are available with each collection: lots of color options, as well as sizes! Most prints can be ordered in either a large, medium, or small print. For an indecisive person like me, it makes it almost too difficult to decide. (not a bad thing). :) And they are constantly adding new designers and collections, so there is always something new. If you haven't checked out their website, you really should. I'll just throw in really quick too that there are a lot of ways to search or browse for fabric (by designer, color, theme, scale, color, etc.) pretty cool. 

Anyway, so you know how it works, they print their fabric on demand. So when you place your order, all of your prints come together, on the same continuous cut of fabric. I was too excited to start cutting that I forgot to take a picture of my fabric when it arrived. But it was all in one sheet with a panel along one edge that had care instructions, a free pattern, and some other cool stuff (you'll have to order some fabric and be surprised with what else they print on there.) ;) Since they print the fabric on demand, I think that also means that the cotton they use is a little different. I am no connoisseur of fabric, but it does feel different. It is SOOO smooth! It's nice. But I was still a little weary as to how it would sew up. I can happily say that I am very pleased with my finished pillow!!


The pattern I used is my Illusion pattern. I have changed it a little, so it's a bit different than what is in my Craftsy store and Etsy shop. I will update those with the new version soon (Illusion2). I'll let you know. I do like this version a lot better, as it's also a lot more versatile in how you can arrange the blocks.

I love this layout too, but it's not what i'm doing. #fromblankpagespatterns #illusion2 #modernyardage
Like this example.
I was originally going to make the pillow like this, but after finishing the first 4 blocks, my hubby said he liked the other way better. I'm still not sure. I guess I'll have to make another pillow soon. :)

So a HUGE shout out to Modern Yardage!!! An awesome company with beautiful fabrics! Thank you so very much for letting me try some of your fabric. :)


I am definitely not the only one who is happy with this new pillow. :)



  1. Love this! I have your Illusion pattern on my wishlist on Craftsy. I'm going to wait for Illusion2 though, and decide which I like better. I'm guessing probably #2 since you say it's more versatile. I enjoy paper piecing.

  2. Gorgeous! Oh, tough choice - each layout for Illusion2 is pretty awesome, I'd be hard pressed to pick a favourite. :o)

    I have been tempted by Modern Yardage from the pics on their site, seeing the fabric in your photos is making resistance futile. LOL

  3. WOW This fabric company is super cool!! I think I will have to order some stuff. And I love the pillow--BOTH layouts!! LOL (amy @


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