Monday, January 27, 2014

Getting Artsy

I recently received a fun new toy tool, for "work". It's weird to say "I work" or "I have a job", because it's my hobby turned business (? See, so weird). But it's turning into that, and even though it's not huge, it has definitely reached the stage of self-sustaining, and is definitely a huge blessing and support to our family (no matter how little or big it may be). So anyway, whatever it is I do, or are striving to do, I got something fun and I've had a blast playing around with it!

So here are the results of my fun new instrument:

the first day:

Second day: 
I've really been itching to paint for a while now. It's been years and years! With four small children, there is no way I am going to bring out that mess. Maybe if I had a day with no kids in the house, I could do it. Otherwise I'll just wait until they are all in school... or I have my own studio (a girl can dream right?!) :) I decided to try and curb some of those cravings by "painting" on the computer. I really like how it turned out (top right). I can see a lot more painting in my future now. ;) 

Third and Fourth day: 
Neil told me to stop drawing flowers and mushrooms and draw something else. When I asked him what, he said umbrellas. Ok, umbrellas it is. I drew this girl in the rain and then colored her in this morning. I think I really like her. Though there is much improvement that can be made in my drawing skills. :) The little saying is from the Winnie the Pooh movie we have. 

 All of these have been created in Adobe Illustrator. The same program I use to create all my patterns. It is SO amazing! Definitely my favorite program, though I'm sure if I learned Photoshop better, I would love that too. Something I'll play with more in the future. It is refreshing to play around with color, and get back to my roots of being a little more "artsy" rather than "craftsy". (I swore I would never be craftsy, but it seems I took a sharp turn right down that road. lol.) Happy to be back in my natural element. I'm excited to see where this takes me...

If you are on instagram, I've been sharing these with the tag #artbydb if you want to check in in the future and see what else I've been doing.

All of this has to do with my word for the year... which I will share soon. I'm still rolling ideas and thoughts around in my head. So far I love it, and it's been really good for me. :)

Happy Monday everyone!!



  1. I always enjoy your posts! Have fun!

  2. i see a fabric line in your future!

  3. I agree with Marcia those mushrooms are perfect for a fabric design. Have fun painting on your computer :)

  4. Isn't it so nice to be able to get back to something you love? They're looking fun. Are you using paint brush?


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