Saturday, January 18, 2014

Share your Projects Event!

Last week I started a new event on Instagram:

Share your Projects Event

If you are on Instagram, and have used one of my patterns, tag it (or all of them - in progress photos, finished projects, recent, or older photos from a year ago) with #fbppatterns - in any of your comments. (You have to tag your own photo for it to show up).

Each week I will randomly draw a winner! I'll share your photo on my stream to "show off" your amazing work! (because that's what this is all about! YOU!) and then will contact you about a prize!

You could win:
  • a pattern
  • a handmade item
  • fabric
Sometimes I'll plan something in advance, and sometimes I'll just let you pick! :)

Sound fun?! I really hope you'll play along!!! It really makes my day to see everything that you make! This all started when I started thinking about how grateful I really am for all of you! For your support, encouragement, feedback, and excitement for my designs! YOU really are the best!!! I can't thank you enough for the blessing it's been to me and my family to be able to make and sell patterns. It's been a grand adventure!! And I owe it all to you. So this is my small and simple way of saying Thank You! and giving back to you! :)

As I thought about it even more, I figured, why not incorporate it into a blog event as well?! So now there is also.... drum roll please.


ha. see that? same button, but it's different. ;)

I decided to do a monthly drawing on my blog! I'll have a linky open all year long, that you can keep linking up blog posts or Flickr photos, of your projects using my patterns. :) no need to re-link posts. It will be one mass compilation of posts that will just keep growing (hopefully) ;) and I'll keep drawing new winners each month from the mass pool! I thinking that these prizes might be a little more serious than the IG prizes? Though not necessarily. We'll see what I come up with. :) I think it will be fun though!

So how about we get started now?!

If you have any recent, or old, blog posts that share something you've made using my patterns, link it up below.

If you are on Flickr, you can also add your photos to the from blank pages... flickr group! Though you will need to also link your photos here to be eligible  for the giveaway.

and of course, Thanks for sharing your creations with me!! :)


1 comment:

  1. Neat idea! I look forward to seeing what everyone has sewn. Have a super day!


Thanks for stopping in to say hi! I always love your comments, they make me smile!

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