Wednesday, October 1, 2014

General Conference

I really do try and keep all my churchy posts off of this blog, and more on my personal outdated family blog. But sometimes I do pop over here and do a little shout out! It's hard not to share something that is so personal and amazing to me, because (so cheesey but so true) I really have a great longing in my heart to share with you the amazing blessings I have found for myself in my own life. I wish I could shove the feelings of my heart right through the computer into each of your hearts so you could feel what I feel. Something better than anything this world could ever provide in a million billion years. Anyway, if you've been around my blog a while, you're probably used to my semi-annual invitations to watch General Conference. You can read some of my previous posts here and here (see all the ways to listen, and you may be surprised by who else is a mormon...).

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints holds a semi-annual conference every year (always the first weekend in April and the first weekend in October). There are 4 - 2 hour sessions, 2 on Saturday and 2 on Sunday (10 am and 2 pm mountain time, both days). They are amazing!!! And the messages are not just for members of the church. I picked a collection of quotes that I love, and which many of you might have already seen floating around IG or facebook, or where ever. :) These are just a small snippet of the uplifting and encouraging, and strengthening messages that are shared over these short weekends.


David A. Bednar, General Conference 2013 #ldsconf #quote

"Don't assume that happiness is the absence of a load. The unique burdens in each of our lives help us rely upon the merits, mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah." - Elder Bednar #LDSconf #ElderBednar #ldsconf #April2014 #GC #quotes 

#Uchtdorf #ldsconf #quotes 2014 #gratitude

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“We are not and never need be alone. We can press forward in our daily lives with heavenly help.” Elder David A. Bednar #ldsconf #quotes

"Faith is antidote for fear." Elder Russell M. Nelson #ldsconf #quotes

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Great quote from Elder Holland

Ok, that's a lot of quotes. But they are good, and it's hard to narrow it down. :) Anyway, you can find more by searching #LDSConf. And I'm sure there will be plenty more posts going up this weekend!! I hope you'll join me, even if just for a little while. :)

Oops. How can I forget my most recent favorite quote?!

You can read about why it's my favorite here.

(as long as it worked correctly, you should be able to click on each picture and go to the source of where I got it from.)


1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I needed some of these today!
    I haven't been able to watch much of conference since having babies and working the past few years; so some of these quotes are newer to me. Grateful for your share!


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