Wednesday, May 4, 2011

W.i.P. Wednesday #5

I'm sure I thought of new projects to do this week, but I don't remember what they are. Though I do need to make a sewing machine cover, so I guess that's new. Otherwise I want to just finish up as many projects as I can before this little baby comes! I'm getting so anxious!!! :)

Ongoing Projects:
This last week I did have some new projects, but I finished one and am almost done with the other. It's a seat cushion! And it matches awesome with my pincushion and new scrap bucket. :) It's fun having coordinating accessories!

 I decided to try my hand at paper piecing (though I used muslin instead of paper - so it's permanent, but I figure more bulk the better for a seat cushion). It was seriously so much fun putting it together! It's a pineapple pattern and I love how it turned out. Though my pictures aren't very good. I will post more about it when I'm finished with all the links I used. Oh, and I tried out a decorative stitch on my machine... I need to practice a little, but didn't feel like taking out my mistakes. I still like it anyway.

For the back I decided to also try some random piecing for a little strip. I haven't really pieced like that before either. I only used the scraps I had from the front, which was fun too! I feel like I'm entering new territory with all of these "quilting" endeavors. Ok, I've made quilts, but the techniques are all new, but I love them! I think I'm going to be addicted. :) I then just did wavy lines to quilt the back to four layers of batting. Anyway, more details and pictures to come when it's finished...

Mabel's Quilt: I don't have any updated pictures right now, but I am getting so close! I just need to finish sewing on the white sashing, and then the outer border that is already finished and I'm done with the top! I think I'll try and finish it up today! Yippy! I'm so excited! Though I am not at all ready to quilt it. I need to finish up my picnic blanket first so I can get some more practice FMQ.

Picnic Blanket: Sadly I haven't touched it... except to move it from one spot to another. BUT that's on my list to do next too, so we'll see. ;)

Finished projects:
My new little scrap basket! I love it. :) Thanks for all the nice comments you've left about it too! :)

This week's stats:
New projects - 1 (sewing machine cover?)
Completed projects - 1 (scrap basket)
Currently in progress -  5 (up one from last week)



  1. i really like the scrap bucket! I have been looking into paperpiecing and really want to try it. Your project turned out great!

  2. Love pineapple seat cushion! so bright and cheery.I love the quilting you did.

  3. I'm in love with your rainbow seat cushion, fab colours!

  4. That rainbow cushion is wonderful!

  5. Thank you Kim! Paper piecing was so much fun! I am going to post some links that I found today, so if you need somewhere to help you get started, be sure to check them out. :)


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