Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween: Trick or Treating to Graves Disease

Today was so much fun! Can I just say that I never thought it could be so much fun taking your little kiddos trick-or-treating?!!! Hunter is just the right age that he is so awesome at it, and I don't know which of us likes it more. :)


We quickly pulled some old costumes out of the closet today... Hunter was a skeleton, and Jacks an army guy. I don't think I've ever thought so little about Halloween. Usually I love it! Anyway, it worked out perfectly!

Mabel was a cute little butterfly! A neighbor so kindly gave us this costume about a month ago.

My mom had found the halloween bags that I used when I was a little kid and gave them to me. I loved seeing my kids use them! They are the perfect bags! I can't believe how much candy they got!!! We only went to houses around our neighborhood that we knew, but everyone was so generous! I can't wait to dive into it when the little ones aren't looking. ;)

It was impossible to get pictures of everyone together!


she can ALMOST stay sitting up by herself. :)

Happy Halloween!!!

oh, and it's official. Today I found out that I do in fact have Graves Disease. I think it's only fitting that I found out on Halloween. Doesn't it sound like a halloween type disease?! ;) And now the adventure begins. :}


Friday, October 28, 2011

Progress Pictures for the Weekend!


{lol. In case you noticed, yes I do collect the pampers and huggies reward codes... and I wait till I have a few before I enter them in... and yes, I need to enter them in! lol. that's embarrassing.}

Lovin' it!


Thursday, October 27, 2011



I call this "154" because it is 154 blocks of rainbow goodness! Each with a 5" square center of some beautiful color coordinating print. About to be turned into an ~80" by 90" quilt... now on to the fun part!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

W.i.P. Wednesday #16

Wahoo! We are back online, and boy oh boy do I feel like I have accomplished a lot! :) I'm so excited for WiP Wednesday today! :)

In Progress:

I received all the blocks for the do.Good Stitches quilt for September, arranged them and have sewn the top together! It is totally awesome how fast a quilt comes together when most of the blocks come from other people! I am definitely liking being a quilter! :) Now to decide how to do the back, and how to quilt it. :)

Here's the top:

do.Good Stitches - Harmony Cirlce


and.... just out of reach. :)

I am sewing like crazy on Mikaela's quilt! In the last two days I cut the rest of the fabric, and am just about finished with all the blocks! I don't think it will take me long now at all! Then comes the fun part of arranging them! :) I think this will be a fun and VERY colorful quilt!

{sorry no pics. I forgot to take some. 
I'll post more in a day or so when I start arranging them on my wall. :)}

I did have a few etsy orders that I sent out. One was some Match Game Cards. I love these little bags!

DSC_0906 Match game cards bag

and another Name Mobile! I hadn't made one for a while, but it was so much fun! The hardest part is figuring out how to ship it! But I love how it turned out! (She ordered it right as my health was going down the drain, and I am so grateful for her patience!!)


the best thing for these for the finishing touch is to fold the edges out just a little to give it some extra dimension. I also have a tutorial here if you want to make your own (with a LOT of pics!). They are actually pretty easy!

I am also trying to come up with some cards that I can send out with my orders with my info on them... ug. I don't know what I think about this. I've still got some tweaking to do. What do you think?

add some color? change the font? I really don't know where to go from here...

Now I'm off to sew up some bee blocks, and see if I can finish a quilt or two! :)

Thanks for stopping by!
and don't forget to stop by Freshly Pieced to see what everyone else's got going on!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our Story: Funny FHE

Last night for our FHE (Family Home Evening) lesson we talked about Job. It turned out to be pretty funny... (though it might sound weird, we all had a pretty good laugh).

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Still swyping away

We are still without internet, and I am slowly swyping away on my phone. It takes so long to write an email without a keyboard! (not to mention a blog post.)

Anyway, after many phone calls and some crazy bartering (ok, I really didn't have to do much) we got a super sweet deal with our current provider to keep us from switching! 3+ years of being a loyal customer definitely has it's perks! They matched the price of the competitor we were going to switch to but extended the offer for twice as long! Plus they threw in a free modem (ours died, thus the reason we've been shopping around). Who likes saving $100??? Me! Me! As well as giving us a credit for the time we've been without internet!

It took three tries, but I finally talked to the right person and boy did she ever hook me up! Love Century Link!

So Monday is the special day that my friendly UPS driver will drop off our magic box to the outside world.

Other than that, things have been pretty adventurous around here. We are on a quest to figure out what is going on with my healthy. Monday I blacked out trying to pick up Hunter. Thank goodness I already had a dr appointment scheduled for that morning! He kindly told me that I pretty much have EVERY symptom of a hyperthyroid. One or two would have been enough thank you very much. But I'm still waiting on more tests to come back to rule out any other possibilities. So the next few weeks are bound to be full of dr visits and more tests, and hopefully a lot of answers and direction.

In the quilting/sewing/crafty world I am happy to say that the do.Good Stitches quilt is coming along nicely! :) As well as some fun orders from my shop. And and and.... I'll have to save some things for Monday. :)

Have a great almost weekend!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Internet is down...

I was going to catch up on some blogging today but our router kicked the bucket. Of well. I probably wouldn't have gotten to it anyway. ;)

Hope to post again soon! I was finishing up the Zip-it tutorial yesterday... Guess my ugly nails will just have to wait a little bit longer to be shown to the whole world. ;) (the one thing that makes me hesitate to post it) heehee.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Made It: Happier Tree Quilt

It's finished!! :)
and I love it. 
You can buy it here.

Happier Tree Quilt

measures 30.5 inches by 41.5 inches


made with Riley Blake's Happier collection


bound in Kona Cotton Orange


appliqued tree, flowers and leaves also Kona Cottons


sewn on after quilting for a little added design to the back


the complete back

Happier Tree Quilt

thanks for stopping by and meeting my newly finished quilt!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

W.i.P. Wednesday #15

Before I begin, I have to say Thanks Tannie for your help and direction!! I'm going to check into that further and see if that will make a difference. And Thanks Tammie for the gas for my car! ;) (I love that their names are almost the same! and they're both great people!!) :)

I can't say that today has been any better, but I am definitely excited to post a little update, as I'm ALMOST finished with a few new things!! Ok, they are not new in themselves, but I have finally made some new progress with them! Yippy! :)

First: My Kaleidoscope Quilt! check it out!....

love my good little helper!

The top is finally finished!
I really struggled with this quilt... I don't know what I did wrong, but it seemed like right from the get-go I was doomed. My points wouldn't match up. My blocks wouldn't lie flat. And since I'm kind of a perfectionist, it wasn't that much fun making crummy blocks. But since this is for me, I didn't care enough about it to fix any of it. :) So I just kept on keepin on. I think the last 5 or 6 blocks turned out perfect and I finally figured it out! :) But really it's probably my own fault. I ironed them after connecting the corner triangles to the larger triangles, but after that I didn't iron anything. Nor did I square anything up, nor did I do anything else that I probably should have to make it turn out better. Oh well. :) It was *fun* and now the top is finished. :) I'm going to do the back in medium grey and have a few stripes going down the back like Elizabeth from Oh Frannson! did on her billboard quilt here. I LOVE this!

My other almost finish is the coin quilt I made up a LONG time ago! It has been sitting around waiting for a binding for forever and it's almost done! :) All I have is the top. But I decided to take some pictures anyway.


Do you like my fake wind effect?
the back

It's really this guy that keeps running back and forth under it! :)

For some reason it is impossible for me to get good pictures of anything with orange and teal. Perhaps if I get up before the sun is totally up it will work?!.


thanks for stopping by! Make sure to visit Lee at Freshly Pieced and check out what everyone else is working on!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Running on Empty

Our car has been on empty for the last little while, and on our last errand run I debated stopping to fill it up, or at least add a little extra just in case. But the ice cream in the trunk made me decide otherwise. Saturday I jumped in the car to run to the post office and it started fine, but died before I even made it a foot from the curb. I didn't want to chance it, though I keep wondering where the fuel light is supposed to be???

Anyways, that's not exactly where I was going with this, but it fits too. :) I also feel like I've been running on empty lately. Ok, more like since baby number 3 came along, well, more like a month or so before that. It's been one long, dragging thing to another I feel like. I have good spurts, but then I'm right back to wanting to sleep the day away. :)

I did get some results back today of some blood work they did last week. My thyroid is a little low. Well, one aspect of it, and I can't remember what they called it. My vitamin D level is also a little low, though still in the normal range, just the low normal. They want me back in 3 weeks to check them again. I also told the nurse today that I forgot to tell the dr last week that I am constantly dizzy and light headed. She said it's probably my blood sugar and that I needed to eat every 2 hours. Does that mean I have diabetes? I'm not sure I know what the difference is. :) (crazy day last week: we were on our way home from the dr office and I thought I was going to pass out in the car! I stopped and parked in the walgreens parking lot for like 5 min before I dared to drive home! What is wrong with me?!!!) I've also just been a bear lately. Yup. I'm letting it out. I am not a nice person. :) ok, I'm sure I still am, but sometimes I feel far from it. I blame it on the fact that I feel so crappy and am so tied all the time.

And I'm not the only one. Hunter had his yearly croup last week, Jackson's got a cough. And today Hunter did not look well at all! He had the biggest circles around his eyes and they look kind of sunken. I'm sure he's so tired too. He seems to never get enough sleep.

If I'm going to start talking about sleep, I have to mention that I'm having tornado dreams again! Maybe the fifth one this year, a few weeks ago I dreamt a storm was coming and we sought cover in this huge building out in the middle of the desert. And get this, the storm was of giant rolling donuts, with chocolate frosting and colorful sprinkles, that were at least 3 stories high. It was so weird and so stressful!
Then last night I dreamt that Neil and I were at a park at night with a lot of other people, and we were attacked by a mob of vampires. We all ran to this store and were getting trained on what to do if a vampire attacks you. Except Neil never showed up and I was so afraid that he turned into a vampire!

REALLY?! Can I just please get some rest at least in my sleep?! Lol. Welcome to the story of my life. I always have weird dreams, and it seems to be more and more common that something is wrong with me... Though the hubby never believes me. ;) I'm sure it doesn't help that I can also be a hypochondriac sometimes. :)

Ok, that is the end of my rambling pitty party. :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

365 Days in September

no, I know there are not really that many days in September, but there are a lot of pictures from my 365 Moments of Joy during the month of September.  I'm pretty proud of myself for doing so well with this! That's right! It's been about a month and a half, I am still doing this. LOL. :)

If you haven't heard the word, in the middle of August I started doing 365 Moments of Joy, to try and help me get out of a funk, and start enjoying the little things in life that happen every day. It's been pretty fun, and very rewarding to look over the day, or capture the moment and make a little collection of them. I think it has helped, as I wouldn't say I'm in such a funk anymore. :) I have missed a few days, and there are times where I just forget, or don't have time to write up a post - and I go back and back date them, but I haven't done too many like that. :) And when I do I make sure to pick the thing from that day. All in all, I am loving it!

365 Days in September

So here is my little mosaic from September. Not all of my posts have a picture, and some have more than one. If you'd like to read more about it, or if you'd love to join in, you can find out more and grab your button here. Or see all my posts here. :)

I am excited for October and another month of Joy! I hope life is treating you all well and that whether you join me or not, I hope you can stop and enjoy those small moments everyday that are what life is really all about. :)
