Friday, March 16, 2012

So Many Reasons to Celebrate!

Ok, first I need to apologize. I started up the One Stop Giveaway Shop blog with Rachael, and then I went awol. SORRY! I was too overwhelmed with too many projects and could not handle it. But I'm back. So if you want to share your giveaway, it will be posted! :) Just want to let you know about that. :) and if you want to host our button, we will most certainly host yours! Just let us know that you did. There are a lot of great giveaways listed! so be sure to go check them out!!!

Anyway, in posting giveaways, I am reminded about the greatness of celebrating blogiversaries! and Follower Bench Marks, and birthdays! and well, I have missed all of those by miles. I had my first blog anniversary last August? or July? ha. I don't even know. I hit 100 followers in December, and well, now I've got 159! Awesome!! :) but really? where have I been?


One thing I did NOT miss is my birthday! It's this weekend. :) Boy that does NOT give me a lot of time to come up with something though. So I think to make up for EVERYTHING I have missed, we should make the celebration a little bit longer. :) Wahoo! Party time! Ok, probably this will just be a mini party... my giveaways always flounder. lol. But that's ok. I like to keep things intimate. ;)

giveaway week

Here's what will happen: Starting on Monday we'll have a giveaway marathon - but backwards. Each day I'll post something that you can comment on. Then the following Monday I will pick a winner from each days commenters and those winners will all send me something. LOL! J/k! ;)

Seriously, I will announce a giveaway each day for 5 days next week... all with different prizes and different rules (for the followers giveaway you'll have to be a follower for example!) Then on Monday 3.26.2012 I will pick winners for each of the giveaways!  

I have some super great ideas in the works! Hopefully you will like them too. Make sure to come back next week to find out what they are! 

"The suspense is killing me! I hope it will last." 
(do you know what that line is from??)

Here's what I'm thinking we need to celebrate: 

(because it will no longer be my birthday, and un-birthdays are always fun!)

all giveaways will end Monday 3.26.2012

If you're in the mood for giveaways, be sure to also check out the Traveling Stash Giveaway! You can find all those details here. That giveaway ends on Wednesday 3.21.2012

If you have any requests for what you'd like to win... let me know before Monday! 
You just might get your wish. ;)



  1. *I* would be happy to send you something :-) Congrats on all of the milestones!!!

  2. ~Wooooo time for a party!! You must have heard this song! great way to end the celebration and just a great song in general =D
    Hope you have a fantastic day and have lots of pictures to post and don't forget to send some of the cake my way =D


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