Wednesday, March 7, 2012

W.i.P. Wednesday {3.7.2012}

My sister was laughing at me the other day, because apparently in every post I seem to mention that life is too crazy. ;) lol. Well, I'm happy to say that today life is NOT crazy!! Wahoo! The boys are at Grandma's for the morning, and the Little Lady is sleeping... and sneezing, and coughing. Poor girl has a yucky cold. So while life is not crazy and I am making a TON of progress! I have to mention that my dreams are SO crazy. lol. :) I have never met anyone that dreams so much or more vividly than I do. I always dream about everyone in my life, I remember everything (most nights), sometimes it's easier to speak German than English (which is fun), and I always wake up more tired than a sloth. Anyway, for the past year or so I've been dreaming about tornados on a somewhat constant basis. But they have been becoming more and more frequent. With all my vivid dreaming I am totally all for looking up dream definitions. lol. BUT I have to say that some are VERY on! So not that I believe in them, but I definitely am open to their meanings/translations. Last night was super weird though. A bunch of friends that I met on my mission were all at one kids house - who lived up at the top of a huge hill, overlooking the city (Salt Lake?). Anyway, for some reason he had stadium seating in his house which opened up to a big window that looked down on the city (kind of like the BYU Center in Jerusalem). We sat there and watched while 10-20 tornados touched down on the city and made their way up the hill to us. Then they would just blow away like someone blowing sand off a plate of glass. Then there would be another 15-20 tornados all at once, and then be blown away. This happened 3 or 4 times, each time they would get further up the hill, closer to us. Anyway, tornados are supposed to signify change... so I guess we'll see right?! ;) lol. (I should have the definition of them memorized by now. I just looked it up again, and it had a definition I'd never read before, so now I'm not so sure. Anyway, crazy I tell you. just crazy.)

Ok, now onto the fun stuff!! :)

I've finished up a plethora of items recently! Yippy!

My mini for the Modern Mini Challenge:

I didn't get picked for the viewer's choice - there were so many great ones! (I voted for Kati's! So pretty! You can still vote, so make sure to head over there!) The other winners will be picked Friday! :)

Potholder Pass potholders:

These were so much fun to make! My first time fussy cutting anything.

Mouthy Stitches Pouch:

This was a little intimidating, but so much fun when I actually did it! I would like to do more "art" sewing sometime.

Cash Envelopes:

DSC_0306 DSC_0193
You can win this one in the Cash Envelope Sew Along Giveaway! (you don't have to have made one to win. So GO enter!! closes Saturday... you have practically a guarantee that you could win something right now. ;))

Well, I think that's about it for now. :)

Want to know what I'm working on now???

I am LOVING how this is coming together!!! It's a mini for the FTLOS swap. I was a little unsure about it, but now that the squares are getting put together I love it. :) I just have 1 more row (of 3 rows) to add to the bottom and then the top is complete. I just decided this morning that since I still have more to do I will take pictures as I go and *sometime* post a tutorial. It's actually really easy, but just in case anyone wants to know. (let me know and I'll get to it faster!) ;)

Covert Robin:

I decided on what I'm going to make my partner! I am thinking a journal cover (along these lines) and some kind of zip pouch, and maybe one more goodie. I haven't started this yet so no pictures. But they'll be coming quick!

and I have plenty more items to share soon! (bee blocks - LOTS of them, last months bee quilts, and more quilt tops to finish- hoping to get to these this month! and patterns!) :) So fun.

ok, the little one is up, and it's probably time to get the boys 
(before they start really getting into things!) ;)

go see what else is in progress at Freshly Pieced!



  1. My dear - it sounds like you need to start sorting your swaps into "must do" and "make for myself" or even a 3'rd category for you "just pass!" - see my most recent blog post about that :) While it IS fun to swap and make everything... you are running yourself ragged :)

  2. Love all of your crafty projects. I am inspired by your mouthy stitch pouch. I've been seeing them around and love them! And I think your mini quilt is super! I'm of the theory that more is usually better! I always have a million irons in the fire! I'm becoming a follower. I want to see what else you come up with!

  3. from one Diane to another, I really like all your projects

  4. I love your sparkle stars! I so want to make a Sparkle Punch quilt like Elizabeth Hartman's. I just have to knock out a few WIPs first! Thanks for sharing your awesome projects :-)


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