Saturday, March 31, 2012

no-reply blogger???

Have you noticed how most blogs say somewhere, "if you are a no-reply blogger, make sure to leave your email address"... for whatever reason (giveaways, comments, etc.) I've had a few people ask how they know if they are a no-reply blogger. If you never get emails back from comments you left that may be one way to tell. But either way, I found a pretty good tutorial for how to fix it, or how to check.

Just note that you have to go to the old dashboard view in google - then it will look like her pictures (in your dashboard go to the top right corner and click on the wheel, and click on old blogger interface).  I don't know why they haven't put this option in the new interface yet. Anyway, she has pictures, and in case you get lost you can leave me a comment and I'd be more than happy to help! :) (just make sure to leave your email address or check back here for an answer in the comments!) :)

tutorial here at Sweet Simplicity (I simply googled for a tutorial, so I can't vouch for anything else on this blog. fyi).


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

W.i.P. Wednesday {3/28/12}

Hi! :) Yep, I'm still around. Last week was so exciting, I feel like I kind of out did myself. I don't know what to blog about that could be any better than last week! So I just haven't. lol. That and last Friday my hubby and I were talking about the weekend plans:

Hubby, "Let's do something fun this weekend!"
me, "Ok!"
Hubby, "That means NO SEWING!!!"
me, "oh. I think sewings fun."

Anyway, he won out and I didn't sew on Saturday, or Sunday, or Monday, or Tuesday... so I guess I don't really have anything new going on anyway. ;) Though I still have lots of stuff sitting around that needs to be shared. But I'll save that for another day!

On another note, whoever said that March could go by so fast??? Hello! ONLY 3 days left until April! What is that about? I did have goals to finish 4 quilt tops, as well as do like 10 other projects this month! I guess that won't happen. oops.

I do have everything laid out and ready for a few other projects that need to be finished asap.

First are my do.Good Stitches blocks for this month. Melissa asked us to do heart blocks in varying sizes. Here are the two I've had finished since the first of the month. I'll post all of them when I finish up the rest.

I also made up these blocks for my Moody Blues Bee. These are for Linda. I LOVE this style of block! I've never made them before, but they were a lot of fun, and came together really quick! (I let her square them up since she has the perfect sized ruler for it. I did not want to mess these up!!) (did I share these already? I can't remember.) Anyway, I sent them back earlier this month. I still have one block to make up for Sabrina. It's my first, un-paper pieced flying geese block, and it's not as easy as I thought it would be.

I also still have two blocks to make for Tiffany as well, as part of our Bee a {modern} Swapper bee group. She is making a picnic blanket and I think her inspiration mosaic is to die for! This is going to be the cutest quilt ever!!!

I have my pattern for the DQS12 all ready! The templates are printed and taped and I'm ready to sew... just need to pick out the rest of the fabrics. Here's what it will look like (but the warm colors will be prints, so it will be a little bit different than this.) Crossing my fingers it will turn out well!

It will finish at about 18" by 18". I'm excited for it!

I did work on my Granny Square quilt the other night - so I guess I did do some sewing. But I had to unpick it all. It was my first bad experience with bias sewing. I mean my first HORRIBLE experience. I kind of didn't trim up my sashing strips to the right length and was just going to trim off the long edges after I had it all sewn together. It was SO wavy. Yikes! I'm hoping I can get it to work, otherwise the quilt just might end up 10" smaller than I had planned. :) I can roll with it. I'm cool like that. lol.

I also have loads of packages to send out in the mail today... so get ready all you giveaway winners!! :) Fabric packages are just about on their way! :)

On a non-sewing related topic. I have decided to start doing "learning time", aka preschool, with my boys. I need some more structure in our lives, and I think if I can get a set schedule with set activities, then it will be good for all of us! I would love to send my big guy off to preschool, but it's not something we can do right now. and I know he would love to dive into learning and games and hands on activities! I've been trying to find all the ideas and info I can, so I can pick the things that will be best for both of them. Crossing my fingers I can get a good system going for us. It's just a tad bit overwhelming. ;) ...update: I did find some awesome blogs with tons of free printables and info! The top three that I'm using stuff from are: Confessions of a Slacker Mom (an LDS themed schedule), Confessions of a Homeschooler (she has more Bible related stuff, but also a ton of non-religious material), and 1+1+1=1 (I really love her Tot School program. I know Jacks will love some of the things she has. There is A LOT of resources on her site!) Going through it all (no I haven't actually printed anything off yet) almost makes me think that I could homeschool. lol. We'll see what I think after I actually get stuff organized and start trying to actually teach my children. :D cheese!

Ok, now back to sewing! :)
Happy Wednesday everyone! 
and be sure to check out Freshly Pieced and see everyone else's WIPs!


Monday, March 26, 2012

and the Winners are....

I hope you all had fun last week, those of you who participated in the Giveaway Week!! Thanks again! :) I know I sure enjoyed each and every one of your comments!! Your embarrassing moments were by far the best!!! Some of them I felt your pain, and some of them made my laugh so hard! Thanks for sharing! I will definitely be coming back to those if I ever need a good laugh. ;) I also feel so lucky to know (well, as well as I know you) so many unique people. ;) 

I guess I could really go on and on about all of your comments for each day last week! But let's just get to the good stuff... the winners! :)

The winner of the Nicey Jane charm pack is (Birthday Giveaway):

Happy Birthday to you Mahoo!! :) Crossing my fingers you get some sun. :)

The Winner of the Denyse Schmidt Charm Pack is (Blogiversary Giveaway): 

Congrats Jennifer! :) and I totally agree!

The winner of the Charming Travelers charm swap is (100 Followers Giveaway): (just so you don't think I cheated, I know it says that there were 40 comments, but two of the comments were REPLY comments (one was mine), so I just subtracted those and got 38).

Ok Deb, I will! :) But it was totally a random pick. :)

The winner of the Random Charm Pack is (150 Followers Giveaway): 
I definitely think moths are yucky, but I do like butterflies. :) It definitely is good to be unique!!! :)

The Winner of my Zippy Pouch (un-birthday giveaway):

Thanks for sharing Mike!! I hope you enjoy a bit of the fabric I threw in the pouch as well! :)

I debated sharing my embarrassing moment, but I think I might share that for a later post. lol.  

I will be emailing each of you for your addresses, and will send off your packages once I hear back from you!! Congrats! And thanks everyone else for playing along!! :)


Giveaways End Today!!

giveaway week

I just want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to enter who wanted to. I'll be picking the winners for each of the Giveaway Week giveaways later tonight.

Here's a review of everything that's up for grabs:




Michael Miller, Robert Kaufman, Amy Butler, Denyse Schmidt, and more...


Click on the links under the pictures to go to the respective giveaways. Thanks everyone whose already entered! Followed! And helped spread the word!! Last week was definitely a fun week!!! :)  followed by a quiet and fun weekend. Being 30 is definitely great! ;)


Friday, March 23, 2012

Giveaway Week: "a Very Merry Unbirthday to You!"

That line is from Disney's Alice in Wonderland, just fyi.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

giveaway week

This has definitely turned into a late night party post!! To be truthful, I will not at all be upset if no one enters this giveaway. I would be VERY happy to keep what I have for you tonight. :D But of course, you can enter if you want... but only if you really love it! lol. ;) My little man was having a rough day today... so he got some a lot of extra attention today, which means prep time was put on hold... but alas! here we are. :)

This week has definitely been awesome!! I'm so glad you've all stopped by! I love meeting and getting to know you all better! and hope that you will stick around even after the party is over. I can't wait for things to slow down just a little so I can come stop by and say hi in your neck of the woods (=on your blogs). ;) Especially to those of you who have recently had birthdays, or will soon, Happy Birthday to you too! :) and to the rest of us, a very Happy Un-Birthday!! :)

Quick Tangent: Ok, one more thing I kept thinking of this week as the emails have been pouring in: Have any of you ever visited It was kind of a big deal back in college and we would be constant visitors as we were in the computer lab *trying* to work on projects. heehee. Anyway, StrongBad has this email segment and always has some silly song he sings at the beginning. This week reminded me of this one, "When a email comes to town, you know, you know, it's like a rainstorm. in your browser." lol. This probably really isn't funny to anyone. but it makes me chuckle inside. :)

Now onto the good stuff!! :)


I decided to change it up a little. This whole week was fabric and more fabric, which apparently we all love. ;) But I did want to give a little something from me as well. I've been having so much fun making little pouches for my recent swaps and really wanted to make one more.

the back
I think this is my current favorite quilting style. Love all those squares!

I used the "x and +" block style, but just moved it over a little so the "x" was in the center instead of the "+". I think it frames it rather nicely for the front of the pouch. I really like how Megan of Canoe Ridge Creations did her recent pillow with solids in the center, and decided to go that direction, making it a little less scrappy.


All the prints are Amy Butler.

even the inside fabric.

I made a few adjustments for the inside which I think turned out well! On my other recent pouches the fabric on the inside was always a little bit baggy. Today I sewed the liner with a generous 1/4" SA and it fits so snug and perfect in there! I am so happy with it and hope you will be too.:)


Sometimes I look at her fabric and think that it's kind of crazy. But I can't stay away from the intense saturated colors! Love them! The solids in this are both Kona's... I'll have to look and see which ones later. :)

This little pouch finishes up at 9"x9".
I lined it with fusible fleece so it has some nice structure and softness,
but I wouldn't say it's at all bulky.

I could definitely keep making these! Perhaps I will! I could add them to my Etsy shop! (shop name: From Blank Pages) :) Have you stopped by there? It is struggling. lol. I haven't made anything new for it for quite a while now. I need to give it a little TLC. Though perhaps a good clean out would help motivate me. Do you want to help out?! heehee. If so, I've set up a coupon just for you! 
You can enter in "fbpUnBirthday" and receive 15% off your order. I think I just might leave this open indefinitely... but this is the only place I'm going to advertise it. ;) 

Ok, this is turning into a show off post rather than a giveaway post. so let's get back to the important stuff. :) What's the point of having a pouch if there is nothing in it??? So I will also be adding a few secret goodies/supplies to travel along with this so it is not lonely when it goes out to it's new home. (such a sad thought. :(... ) j/k. :) I'll show some pictures of the extras on Monday when I announce the winners! I love surprises! :)

Just so you know, all the prizes for this week are 100% from me to you. No sponsors or re-gifting allowed. Just because I really wanted to. :) So thanks for entering! I hope you have enjoyed this week as much as I have. :)

Want to know how you can enter? 
(there are 3 possible entries - leave a separate comment for each)

  • Leave a comment telling me your most embarrassing moment! haha! :) (I love having you say something specific instead of just a random comment! it keeps things interesting. lol. and let me tell you, I LOVE all the unique things you've shared with me! You all are awesome!) :)
  • Follow my blog and leave a comment telling me that you do.
  • Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did.

This giveaway will be open until Monday March 26th 2012. 
I will pick a winner that evening.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

 You can find all the giveaways from this week in this post.

p.s. leave your email if you are a no-reply blogger. If I have no way to get ahold of you, then I will pick a new winner. Sorry!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Paper Piecing Garden Party!!

Did you hear about the The Sewhooked Paper Pieced Pattern-A-Day Garden Party Blog Hop??? Jennifer at Sewhooked had a post looking for paper piecing designers to participate in her blog hop, and I couldn't say no! I have no idea how I saw her post. One of those "coincidences" that was meant to be I guess!! :)

Paper Pieced Pattern-A-Day Garden Party Blog Hop

Anyway, it starts in April! (Happy Birthday to Jennifer!) :) Everyday there will be a blogger that shares their free paper pieced creation! They will all have a Garden Theme, which will be so much fun to see what everyone comes up with! I already have an idea of what I want to do, just need to see if I can make it work. :) 

Make sure to stop by Jennifer's blog to see the line up! (You'll be able to keep up on all the posts by going here.) I am more of a stand-in if needed, so I don't have a specific date that I'll be sharing. If I don't end up being needed to take anyone's spot, then I'll be the bonus at the end of the month! Yippy! I'll be sure to let you know! And of course it will be on my blog when I do. :)

Don't forget to enter the Giveaway Week giveaways! They all end on Monday evening. 


Giveaway Week: 150 Followers Appreciation Day!

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

giveaway week

Day 4 of Giveaway week is finally here!! All giveaways end on Monday 3.26, so you still have time to enter! (Plus there will be one more tomorrow.) :)

I guess perhaps today should be a 200 Follower Giveaway! and then we'd actually be celebrating it right on time! :) Either way, thanks for following!! And for a huge shout out to all of you, I think it's about time we get onto the giveaway! :)  (I think I said everything in yesterdays giveaway. ;) And if not, it's too early to think about anything else to write right now. Maybe I'll come back to this post and add more later. lol.)

The prize for this giveaway was kind of a hard one to decide on. But I finally decided to share some of the love from yesterdays giveaway! Did you see this charm picture that is part of the Charming Travelers???


Well, did you know that this stack is actually two of the same stacks put together? I wanted to get yesterdays giveaway posted before I had finished cutting, so I just put the two piles together. Yep. That's right! I cut out two charm piles! So far they each have 25 fabrics in them. I obviously have more charms to assemble for yesterdays prize, and will cut more for todays. But I'm not sure what number I'll end up with. I have to say, I kind of felt bad yesterday having so many rules and exclusions for the giveaway, that I've decided that today I am just going to give this second pile of charm squares away to one of my lucky followers!! :) No rules, no exclusions, no passing it on. It's yours just because you won this giveaway! :) I know some of you that entered the Blogiversary Giveaway have said you don't blog regularly, or maybe you don't live in the US. Well, now you can still get in on this stack of goodness (and randomness). How does that sound??? 

Want to know how you can enter? 
(there are 3 possible entries - leave a separate comment for each)

  • Since this is a Follower Appreciation Giveaway, you MUST be a follower. (NEW FOLLOWERS WELCOME!) Leave a comment letting me know you are.
  • Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did.
  • Leave me a comment telling me one unique thing about yourself! :)

This giveaway will be open until Monday March 26th 2012. 
I will pick a winner that evening.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

Make sure to come back tomorrow for the last giveaway! You can find the previous ones from this post.

p.s. leave your email if you are a no-reply blogger. If I have no way to get ahold of you, then I will pick a new winner. Sorry!


Traveling Stash Giveaway Winner!

Last night my hubby picked to watch Nordwand (North Face), which is a German film with English subtitles. At first I was really loving it! Thinking, "This is music to my ears! I'm going to watch this movie all the time." Yeah, not so much. Don't get me wrong, it's a great movie! Very well made. But it gets REALLY intense! On Netflix's description of the movie it's portrayed as kind of a fun climbing movie where two Germans race to the top of the Eiger. Well, it doesn't end well. I've been having crazy dreams all night. I kind of suggest it just because I love German films, but I really don't. Unless you can handle all that craziness. :)

Anyway, my point is that it was a major distraction and I TOTALLY forgot to pick a winner last night for the Traveling Stash Giveaway!

So with no further delay, the winner is:

Congrats Richard!
I'll be sending you an email for your address.

p.s. I've been trying for days to get my comments numbered again. But since google changed the comments to where you can reply to other comments, nothing is working. Does anyone know how to do it? If you'd help me out I'd greatly appreciate it!!! Thanks! :)


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Charming Travelers Update

Ok, well, I just want to let you know that I'm really not that crazy. If you follow me that's awesome! I'm not going to take your fingerprints and tap your phone lines to make sure. lol. :) Just be a follower and that's great. I trust you. I mean, we're friends right?! Just wanted to let you know. :)

sorry for that lack of sleep crazy moment. haha.
I'm. so. tired.


Giveaway Week: 100 Followers Appreciation Day!

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

giveaway week

Giveaway Week is well on it's way, can you believe it's already Day 3?! Thanks everyone who has entered Day 1 & Day 2 Giveaways! You really make this so much fun! :) (if you haven't yet, make sure to go enter! And if you're still in time, don't miss the Traveling Stash Giveaway! It ends today!)

Today I want to celebrate ALL OF YOU! Yep! It's a Follower Appreciation Giveaway!! :) One thing that is really excited for me, as a blogger, is seeing that number on my sidebar go up! Every time I got a new friend via Google Friend Connect I would immediately tell, text, call my hubby and tell him, "Guess what?! I have x-number of followers!!" It was always so exciting! And you know what? I still do that! :) So even though some of you may be a follower and yet never returned, it still means that you like me/my blog enough that it was worth pushing that button. And that means a lot. :) Thanks for your support and encouragement! (so touching. it's ok. wipe that tear. lol.)  

Did you notice that that number is well over 100 over 200 now?! Exciting huh?! :) Well, just like almost every other part of this giveaway week, I missed the celebration of when it actually happened. I may be late to the party, but I don't ever miss it. ;) I reached 100 followers in December, in the middle of the Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day! Because of that giveaway, and the holidays coming up, I decided to hold off. Well, the new year wasn't any less busy, so here we are 3 months later. I am none the less appreciative. 

Want to know what I'm giving away to you???

(not all the fabrics are in here yet... I've got some good surprises to add as well.)
let me explain...

I got the idea from a combination of the Traveling Stash Giveaway (hurry and go enter! it ends today!) and ALL of the many MANY charm swaps going on right now! I'm going to call it:

The Charming Travelers

Here's how it'll work:
  • I've put together 56 charm squares from my stash (1 yards worth of fabric). Some from charm packs, some cut from larger fabric cuts. 
  • One person will win it through this giveaway.
  • I will send the charms to the winner. They will take out the charms they want. THEN replace the missing charms with some of their own charms (either from precuts, or cut from their stash).
  • All charms must be squared up to 5" x 5".
  • ONLY quilter quality fabrics allowed! No batiks, flannels, voile, Joann's or Hancock's fabrics, etc. Can be prints or solids.
  • They will host a giveaway on their blog, repeating the process of sending it on, the winner taking out charms and replacing them, holding a giveaway, etc.
  • I will keep track of where it is (blog, city) and we can watch it travel around the US.
  • If it starts getting messy, too many weird or ugly fabrics, I'll have it sent back to me, clean it out, and start it up again!

To win:
  • You must be an active blogger.
  • You MUST promise to send it on - always with 56 charms.
  • US residents only. SORRY! But I think this will help in keeping it going/reduce delays, as well as keep shipping costs down to participants. 

What do you think?? To make it fun I want to create a map on my blog where we can follow the charm pack. Like I mentioned I'll update each city (or general area) and blog that it goes to! That means that I will need to keep in contact with each winner. This will also allow me to keep up with the status and quality of the fabrics.

This could go really well, or be a total bust. BUT I think it will be SO much fun! Especially with all the charm swaps going on, I'm sure that we all get charms that we will never use... but someone else will! (but don't just put your fuglies in there.) :) 

Want to know how you can enter? 
(there are 3 possible entries - leave a separate comment for each)

  • Since this is a Follower Appreciation Giveaway, you MUST be a follower. (NEW FOLLOWERS WELCOME!) Leave a comment letting me know you are. (Be honest please!! ;)  )
  • Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did.
  • Leave a comment telling me what you think about this idea of the Charming Travelers: yah? nay? needs a different name? any other input ideas on how to improve it (not promising that I will make them)? OR what you like to make with your charm squares. Do you have a favorite pattern? 


This giveaway will be open until Monday March 26th 2012. 
I will pick a winner that evening.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

Make sure to come back tomorrow and Friday for the rest of the giveaways! You can find the previous ones from this post.

p.s. leave your email if you are a no-reply blogger. If I have no way to get ahold of you, then I will pick a new winner. Sorry!


Bad Idea???

I think NOT! But seriously, how am I supposed to get anything done when all I do all day is read your wonderful giveaway comments and am left dreaming about perfect birthdays of family, fun, relaxation, sun, no chores, no one else's needs to take care of, being pampered, sewing, buying fabric, no cooking, eating wonderful meals, and all the other good things everyone is dreaming of. :) as well as all the goodness of blogging and the great community we've all helped in building for one another! - whether by blogging or commenting, it wouldn't be what it is without each of you! Thank you!! :)

Thanks as well for everyone for following! I did a happy dance last night when I saw my followers hit 200! heehee. You have permission to laugh at me. I also appreciate all the help in spreading the word for these giveaways! I never EVER thought I would get this good of a turn out! THANK YOU!!! In deed an AWESOME Birthday week!! :)

I really do love it! And I agree with all of you! I wish I had the time to respond to every comment as well!!! But for now I need to finish up todays giveaway prize!! heehee! I am really excited for this!!! I hope you will like it too. :)

stay tuned... the giveaway will be up shortly!!! :)


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Giveaway Week: My Blogiversary!

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

Ok, so it is totally NOT my blogiversary. But it was! In August. of last year. I kind of missed it. :) Anyway, I think that's what I like about blogging. You can do it if you want, or don't do it if you don't. Or take a break when you need it. But it's totally worth it, and has been worth it! I can't believe all the good friends I've made through blogging (and flickr and swaps)! It's also been such a great outlet, and a blessing to be able to keep my sanity through all the joys of raising small children. :) (which I love, but sometimes can be crazy. let's be honest.) :)

It's been fun to reflect on how my blog has evolved. It started out crafty. Then I took a break. Then I remember when I first found some great quilting blogs (Stitched in ColorFreshly PiecedCanoe Ridge CreationsDon't Call Me Betsy). I remember feeling like I was sitting on the sidelines dreaming about being a part of the quilting community. And now look at me! I've been in awesome swaps, Bees, have lots of great quilting friends. :) It's been a blast!! Thanks for making it a great experience!! :)

giveaway week

Anyway, welcome to Day 2 of Giveaway Week!  Yesterday's giveaway is here. And if you missed it, there will be a giveaway each day this week. :)

So to celebrate a year of blogging, and blogging in general... here's what I'm going to giveaway:


A charm pack of Denyse Schmidt's Hope Valley! (this charm pack is carefully cut from fabric in my stash, just so you know.) That is 24 - 5" x 5" beautiful squares of fabric. One of each print. This giveaway pick is definitely inspired by the rerelease of Denyse Schmidt's Flea Market Fancy (oh how I want it! Can I get some Aunt Edna's too please?!) ;)

Want to know how you can enter? 
(there are 3 possible entries - leave a separate comment for each)

  • Leave a comment telling me what you love about blogging (or reading blogs), or an awesome experience you've had through blogging! :)
  • Follow my blog and leave a separate comment to let me know that you do.
  • Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did.

This giveaway will be open until Monday March 26th 2012. 
I will pick a winner that evening.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

Again, make sure to come back tomorrow, and each day this week to see all the other giveaways! 
And don't miss the Traveling Stash Giveaway here(it ends tomorrow!)

p.s. leave your email if you are a no-reply blogger. I've gotten a few of you without emails! If I have no way to get ahold of you, then I will pick a new winner. Sorry!


REPEAT from The Printed Bolt

I received an email recently that I wanted to share with all of you!! I am simply going to copy and paste it so you can get all the details! It looks awesome! :)

"Two University of Nebraska-Lincoln quilt studies graduate students, Madeleine Roberg and Ellen Rushman, have teamed up to form The Printed Bolt which has just launched REPEAT an online fabric design competition. REPEAT features 10 amazing designers from around the United States who will compete in monthly design challenges from March to August to determine the winner. The contest is presented online via a blog for readers to follow and vote for their favorite designer.  A rotating panel of fabulous guest judges will also add their input each month. Readers will be able to purchase their favorite fabric designs at The top ten designers have just been announced; so please visit to follow this amazing competition.

Kimberly Kight from True Up - Austin, Texas
Carolyn Friedlander from Carolyn Friedlander  - Lake Wales, Florida
Michael James of the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Nebraska
Weeks Ringle and Bill Kerr of Modern Quilt Studio – Oak Park, Illinois
Robbi Joy Eklow the Goddess of the Last Minute – Chicago, Illinois
Sandra Sider, President of Studio Art Quilt Associates – New York, New York 
Linda Warren of Linda Warren Designs– Easthampton, Massachusetts
Susan Brown of TQM Products – Paola, Kansas
Vanessa Wilson the Crafty Gemini – Lacrosse, Florida
Timna Tarr of Q Tailored Quilts – South Hadley, Massachusetts
Julie Owens from the International Quilt Study Center and Museum and The Corkboard– Seward, Nebraska
Kathy Mack of Pink Chalk Fabrics – Bainbridge Island, Washington
Mary Ourecky of the International Quilt Study Center and Museum – Wilber, Nebraska

Contestants – full bios at

Tammie Bennett – Red Bank, New Jersey
Nicole Buxton – Salem, Massachusetts
Krissy Callahan – Chicago, Illinois
Krishna Chavda – Oakland, New Jersey
Emelia Haglund – Madison, Wisconsin
Emily Herr – Richmond, Virginia
Ann Le – Los Angeles, California
Jessica Pollak – Providence, Rhode Island
Michele Rosenboom – Orange City, IowaLeah Sorensen-Hayes – Lincoln, Nebraska"

How fun is that! Definitely check out the blog to *meet* the contestants! They have some amazing fabric samples!!! Just what I don't need... more fabric I want to buy. ;) Good luck ladies!


Monday, March 19, 2012

Giveaway Week: Happy Birthday!!!

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

giveaway week

Well, I am officially 30! Can you believe it?! Ha. Probably since we've probably never met. ;) lol. Anyway, I had a fantastic birthday weekend, thanks to my wonderful hubby!!! :) And so far, so good. :) I think I had a harder time turning 28 than I am turning 30. I don't think anything can worse than turning 28. But that's a different story.

Are you ready for giveaway week?!!! I took the weekend off from sewing and blogging and all things related, so I had to wait until nap time today to get everything ready! Boy am I excited for this week. I hope you all like the selections I've picked for the giveaways this week. :)


First up on the list, to celebrate my birthday, I am giving away a charm pack of Nicey Jane! (I've cut the charm pack from my stash of fabric, just so you know.) That's 39 - 5" x 5" squares - one of each print (I am missing one print - the leaves in blue - the print on the far right, second row down). I LOVE this line! It was my very first FQ bundle that I bought well over a year ago. I made Little M's quilt with it (that I'm hoping to finish this month. lol.) 

the back. aren't those fabrics and colors so pretty?!

Want to know how you can enter? 
(there are 3 possible entries - leave a separate comment for each)

  • Leave a comment telling me how your dream birthday would go! :)
  • Follow my blog and leave a separate comment to let me know that you do.
  • Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did.

This giveaway will be open until Monday March 26th 2012. 
I will pick a winner that evening.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

Make sure to come back tomorrow, and each day this week to see all the other giveaways! 
And don't miss the Traveling Stash Giveaway here!

p.s. leave your email if you are a no-reply blogger. If I have no way to get ahold of you, then I will pick a new winner. Sorry!
