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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Call for Testers

If you are on Instagram, you probably already saw this, but I wanted to ask any of you bloggers out there who aren't on IG, if you wanted to help out too. I am SO close to finishing my next quilt pattern! Giving myself an obligation to finish it will definitely give me that extra oomph I need to get it done. SO... my goal is to send it out to testers by this weekend.

Pattern name: Ribbon Candy

Would you like to pattern test it for me??

Last night I shared the quilt top of my next quilt pattern, Ribbon Candy. The pattern is so close to being done... I just need a little extra motivation to get it done. Does anyone have some extra time and want to pattern test for me? (it's a quick patter

I shared my finished baby quilt size top for the first time at the Central Florida Modern Quilt Guild meeting last night. (I like to keep my patterns a little bit of a surprise until the release date. makes it a little more fun I think!)

If you would like to test it for me, leave a comment with your email. If you decide you hate it, or life happens and can't complete it, I totally understand. But please be honest in your commitment and don't sign up knowing you won't be able to complete it. I ask that you have a finished quilt top (doesn't have to be a finished quilt, but finished is better) by the end of February. (it's a fast pattern. The baby size can easily be finished in a few hours.) I will also organize a blog hop when the pattern is released, just like I did with my Grandma's Lawn Chair pattern, lots of pattern giveaways included! ;) Also, I will have specific questions I'd like to get feedback on. Pattern testing = I want all the feedback you can give me! The good and the ugly. I can take it.

It's a very quick pattern and jelly roll friendly. The pattern is for three sizes: baby, crib, and lap. It includes templates as well as instructions for not using templates. There are lots of diagrams and instructions. And instructions for lots of variations, to make the process as smooth as possible for however you want to make it! :) I am really excited to get this finished, and will be making myself a lap size quilt with my stack of Anna Maria Horner's True Colors that I recently purchased. :) (thank you #thegreatfabricdestash and everyone who helped me destash, errrr, trade out my stash.)



  1. I would like to pattern test!

    bab5313 (at) psu (dot) edu

  2. I think this would be great to do. I could do any size you need as well


  3. I would love to test this for you! Thanks for this fun opportunity! heatherh {dot} karr {at} gmail {dot} com

  4. I would love to! daniel.stephanie1997@gmail.com

  5. I would love to! I have a baby shower in May that this would be perfect for. Jmzbquilts gmail.

  6. I'd love to help test if you still need people! Mrsrachelsbooth at gmail do com

  7. I would love to test for you! I have 2 quilts tops that are boyish already, so a girly quilt is in order!

    amberpetty86 at gmail dot com

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  8. I don't have a blog but would like to test anyway. Hope that can work for you too?!

  9. I'd love to test for you again :) youngtexanmama@gmail.com

  10. I would like to test if you still need people.


  11. I would be happy to join in for a test pattern. I have a blog and would love to show your creative talent. Thanks!

  12. I can test it for you! I have a Kate Spain Cuzco jelly roll I've been waiting for something to use it with. From just the partial pic, I think it would be really sweet! I'd also love to blog about it! Texasquiltinggal.blogspot.com email me if you still need help at mrscwatson81(at)hotmail(dot)com

  13. I would be happy to test it for you since you say it goes together so quickly. I've been quilting just over a year. I really enjoy your blog, but I don't blog myself. I have a pretty floral jelly roll that would be really nice for this project. I like the modern look of the design! Thanks for the opportunity to help. Pilkcindy@bellsouth.net

  14. I can test for you! dkb2@hotmail.com I need to make a baby quilt so I may make more than one.

  15. I'd love to test for u! I need to make a few baby gifts so this will make me do it!! NICOLELHODGE@YAHOO.COM

  16. Oh man, I would love to but have my February planned out to the last minute already. To bad, it looks fun.

  17. Love this! and would love to test this! Hope I'm not too late! jankaye@gmail.com
    thanks in advance!

  18. Hi Diane! I saw this on Instagram and then lost it somehow. (Got distracted by something shiny or pink I suppose). I was going to let you know if you ever want a pattern tester that is pretty much pattern clueless (like a beginners pattern) I'm your gal! LOL Will be trying out your ribbon quilting sketch soon. Will be sure and share the results! :)

  19. ooh, this sounds good, i think i have a jelly roll i could use, if you still need anyone i'd love to do it


  20. Diane, I didn't see this until now, and I see that you have quite a few volunteers already, but if you still need a pattern tester, let me know. I'd love to try out your new pattern. =)

  21. I just got back in the country today so I missed this. I am ready to pattern test after no quilting for 10 days! Do you still need testers?
    ladyreneer@hotmail(dot)com ☺

  22. i would love to test this pattern for you if you still need help. beckyhart925@yahoo.com

  23. Did you find enough pattern testers? Would love to test for you!



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