I have decided to try hosting a Quilt-A-Long on the good ol' blog. Hooray. :) I definitely don't have time before we go out to Utah later this month, but if I don't start planning now, I know it won't happen. I think these kinds of things are supposed to be organized in the background, without all of you good readers knowing anything about it until it's all set up and organized and ready to start, but if you haven't noticed, I don't really work like that. :) Not that I can't keep secrets, because I can. It's more, how will I know what you want if I don't ask you?! Communication is key. So I'm going to tell you what I'm planning, and then I'm all ears for your thoughts and opinions, and what questions you'd like me to answer. And then as I put this all together, it'll be just what we all hoped for and more! How does that sound? So, here we go...

If you follow me on IG (instagram @fromblankpages) then you've seen some of my patterns that I've been playing around with. Well, there is one specifically that I can't seem to get enough of. It's the same pattern I used to make my
liberty pillow. Playing with the pattern on my computer, there are a load of designs that you could make with it, and I'm sure more than what I've come up with.
Some designs vary only slightly, like this group,
This is what has inspired my QAL idea. It's going to be a one pattern design, this pattern. But it comes with a challenge, which you don't have to accept. If you do want to accept it, I really want to know just how many designs or variations can come from this one pattern! I already have a few that I've come up with and shared, and you can pick any of those, or you can try your hand at something different. I love versatility, and that is one thing that I LOVE about this pattern!
but then I've found some that are really quite drastically different.
Every picture on this blog starts from the same basic pattern.
So to get started, I will be making up a coloring page of the pattern, which will be free, and everyone can download it and print it as many times you want, and color your heart out! I mean, how are you going to know what you want to make if you can't color it first, right?!
Then, when you know you want in, I will be making the pattern in three different sizes. I'm thinking a 12" finished square, a 18" finished square and a 24" finished square.
OR should I do something different? What size would you want your pattern in??? Maybe a 6" finished square?
You will need to pay for the pattern, but I'll be hosting some giveaways, and maybe get some help with giveaways on other blogs as well, so there will definitely be some chances of getting your pattern for free. I'll sell the pattern in the different sizes as well as a combined pattern with all the sizes at a bundled price. I'm thinking maybe some flash coupon/sales that are for a limited time only. (The pattern will contain: all the pieces for the block, a coloring page, any special instructions, templates for cutting out your fabric - so helpful!, and anything else that I think of that is useful with the pattern. I don't like to leave you hanging when you purchase a pattern from me.) Please remember to NOT share your patterns. If you or your friend really want to participate and can't afford the few dollars it will cost, just send me an email! We'll figure it out. Just please don't share, or copy, or sell my pattern(s). Thanks!

This is a crazy picture, but the border is also made using the same pattern pieces, just arranged differently. I colored two different options, the very top vs the rest of the border.
Basically this just shows more options in every way.
Then we'll get started! Each week, or however often, we'll have link ups with your progress (the first one could be of your coloring pages!). I'll also share loads of tips, how to's, etc for paper piecing, cutting fabrics, using fussy cut prints, printing pattern pieces, finishing your block, etc. This is another area where I need your help: What tips and tricks would you like me to share? What questions/problems do you have when you paper piece? If you let me know now, I'll be sure to cover it during the QAL. Maybe I can find some guest bloggers to help out with tips and tricks as well.
Then at the end there will be a final link up with PRIZES! :) I'm thinking maybe I could have my hubby pick the ultimate winner, and perhaps some voting for the top three designs, of course
some special prizes for the most unique designs, and then maybe some random drawing winners. (This depends on how many sponsors I get, I guess.) But really, what's a QAL without prizes right?! I'll be sure to have some good ones.
So here's a quick summary:
Name: The One Pattern QAL, aka, One Pattern - How many designs?, or if I ever come up with a name for the pattern, that could be the name of the QAL. :)
Challenge: create a unique design/pattern using my one pattern, or just quilt-a-long with us!
Size: Any size. Make a mini quilt, pillow, etc. with just one block, or make a whole quilt. Finished quilt tops will be totally acceptable to link up as a finish, it doesn't have to be quilted and bound.
Prizes: Yes!
Other: Tips, how to's, Giveaways, fun!
Time frame: I'll be out of town until the end of July, so I'm thinking start in August, then perhaps end at the end of September. I know this is when school starts, so I don't want it to be crunch time. What do you think? Maybe start in September? Should it go for two months?
If you would be interested in helping out (hosting giveaways, being a guest blogger/tip giver, being a sponsor, etc.) shoot me an email (fromblankpages at gmail dot com). I will be more than happy to consider everyone, but don't be upset if I get overwhelmed with offers and can't use everyone. (I can dream, right?! lol.) I will also be sending out emails, inviting people to join in. Yes, I will be putting in a lot of effort for this QAL. ;)
Questions I have for you:
- What size(s) would you want the pattern to be available in?
- What is a good name for the pattern? If I use your name I'll give you a free copy!
- What tips/tricks would you like to learn? What questions/problems do you have with paper piecing? I'll share these in the weekly(?) QAL blog posts.
- How much time would you want from start to finish, to finish your project? (one month? two months? etc.)
- What dates/months are best for you? (should it start at the beginning of the month, in the middle, August, September, etc.)
So here is my very backwards way of organizing a Quilt-A-Long. :) I hope you enjoy this!! I really can't wait for this to come together. And I especially can't wait to make another pillow with this pattern... I already have my idea figured out. And even if you have no other feedback, than saying you would like to join, please let me know! If everyone is only silently excited, and I don't get any feedback, I might just drop it and move onto something else. ;)
p.s. When I finish this pattern, you will be allowed to sell items you make with it, on a small scale. In the past almost all of my patterns have been for personal use only, but I'm changing my mind. Just no mass producing, and again, no sharing, copying, or selling the actual pattern itself. Each pattern only allows for one person to sell from it. Multiple makers/users need to purchase their own pattern. :)
Happy Wednesday!