On Monday I announced my new website to my Newsletter subscribers, and after working through any last minute kinks, it seems to be running smoothly and I want to share it with you too!!
But before I invite you over, I want to walk you through a little tour (I'm not adding pictures.... but instead links so you can click over and see for yourself!)
Let The Tour Begin!
Home Page:
This does look somewhat familiar to my old site, but better. My favorite part: Thanks for my great customers and their awesome feedback and comments! While I do try my hardest to make the best patterns I can, "you don't have to take my word for it"... you can go ahead and take someone elses! I know I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you sharing your own opinions about my patterns with your friends. So here's a huge hug and high five of appreciation!
Creative Gallery:
Selling and showing off my patterns is fine, but what I really LOVE is seeing what you make with them! I am so thrilled to showcase the projects and blocks you have made with my patterns in the Creative Gallery, so everyone can see! A huge shout out to everyone for letting me showcase their beautiful projects!!
How the page works: Simply click on the name of a pattern, and it will open up to showcase the projects made with that pattern!
It's fun to scroll through them all!! PLUS it's a great place for inspiration and ideas! You can also follow the link at the top to send me your project photos so I can add them to the gallery too!!
Another place where you can take a peek at people's projects is on the individual product pages! I have linked this product page to the Celestial Star pattern. If you scroll down the page just under the description you will see where it says, "See what others are making" and if there are more than 4 images, you can click to the right or left of the image row to scroll through to see all of the projects! (Hover over the outer edge of the first or last image and little arrows will appear that you can click on to scroll.)
Other features on the Product Page:
To the right of the main image there are Categories and Tags. You can click on these to find more patterns that fit the different descriptions. Want some more ideas of what patterns make Perfect Mini Quilts? Click on that tag! Or what if you are looking for a star
pattern? These are a great way to help you find just what you are looking for! (These are suggestions only, and other patterns might also fit these descriptions that are not labeled under the category you're looking in, so keep them in mind as you look around.)
Another great place to refine your search is under the images, next to the description tab is a tab that says "Additional Information". That tab gives you all the details about the pattern: Blocks sizes, what's included, Please Read notes that are important to know for a particular pattern, Fabric requirements - where applicable, etc. It's a good place to look if you want to know what you are buying!
Under this same tab you'll notice that you can click on the different block sizes. This is fabulous if you are looking for a specific size block for your project! 12 inch is the most common, but sizes range from anywhere from 3 inch to 24 inch! And the Bundled means that you can purchase multiple sizes in one listing - which saves you money if you want the variety for different projects down the road! Clicking on these shows you all the patterns in that available size or with the specific feature.
You'll notice there is one more tab: Reviews.
If you have used any of my patterns, and feel so inclined, I invite you to leave your own review of the pattern so others can know what you think! It would be most appreciated! (While of course I hope that it'll be a good review, I am more than happy to discuss any issues or concerns that you have with any of my patterns so I can help resolve any problems you might have had. I always want you to have a positive experience, and am happy to help you do so!)
Another thing I'm excited about is the new option of Gift Cards!!! Now you can get your favorite quilter exactly what they want, even if you don't know exactly what they want! There are varying amounts available and you can always purchase more than one to get the dollar amount you want to gift!
Please note: Coupons do not apply to gift cards. The purchaser is more than welcome to use coupons when checkout out with his or her gift card, but they cannot be double couponed (is that a word??). Sorry for the inconvenience - just make sure they sign up for my newsletter so they can get the best coupons to use!
I know some of you have been waiting for this feature!! and here it is! With this purchase I will import all of your previous From Blank Pages pattern purchases into your account so you can have access to all of them in one place forever! (Patterns purchased on sites not listed are not available for this.)
If you know that you've only purchased patterns from my old shop, or from my Etsy shop, or Craftsy, then you can purchase those individual imports. Or you can purchase the bundle and I will search all sites for you to make sure you have all of your patterns!
Coupons do not apply to Past Purchase Access.
Coupons do not apply to Past Purchase Access.
Ok, I just have 3 more things I want to share with you!!!
After you have created an account and purchased a pattern, or a few, there is an awesome downloads section in your account!! Here you can see all of your patterns in one place and download them any time you need! Isn't this great?! It makes it so much easier to use your patterns as you don't have to keep track of those cumbersome emails! Yay!
Here is what my downloads page looks like. ;)

Another thing is the awesome search bar at the top of the page!!
As you start typing your search term it will automatically bring up matching listings to what you are typing! The more you type the more it will narrow down the results. But how cool is this right?! Makes it so easy to find just what you're looking for!
And last of all, and something I didn't share in my newsletter, is the News page (you can always find the link at the bottom of the page if you want to find it later). Here I'll be sharing tips, tutorials, and other info and resources that have to do with my patterns and my website! It'll be a good place to visit every now and then to see what's new and what's going on! I already have already shared a great resource that hopefully you'll find helpful there, so be sure to check it out!
So what do you think? How did you like the tour? How do you like the site?! I hope you'll spend a few minutes looking around!!
And if you happen to find some patterns you'd like to get along the way, I want you to enjoy a little savings as a Thank You from me to you for celebrating this little (big to me) achievement with me!!
and save 25% OFF your entire order!!
and save 25% OFF your entire order!!
(excludes gift cards and Past Purchase Access)
Expires Sept. 30th, 2017
I hope you enjoyed the tour! And I hope you enjoy the new site! It's hear to stay for the long haul and I hope it will become a great resource for you in your quilting adventures! Thanks for sharing this moment with me!
Until next time, have a wonderful week! and
Happy Quilting & Happy Creating!