I wanted to really quick share with you my Scorpio block. It is ... drumroll please.... my favorite! I know, I always say that, but I really love this one! What do you think?

I can't put my finger on it, what I love so much, but it's just a happy block. Maybe because Scorpios are awesome and just make me happy. (My hubby is a Scorpio!) ;) ;)
While I was spending a little time playing around with the Scorpio pattern on repeat, I came up with this wild design! I'm really not sure I would ever make it like this, but I LOVE how it POPS!! Don't you think?!

I did come up with a calmer design too, and I do like this...

Above is a 4x4 block repeat, which would be great for a quilt. Below I did a smaller section of it to give an idea of what you could do for a mini quilt or pillow or something. :)

Or you could take out those center circles!

If you use the coloring pages in your pattern, I'd love to see what you come up with! There really are so many different possibilities!! (you can use #fbpColoringPages on Instagram to share).
There is still time to pick up the Zodiac BOM pattern as the complete bundle! (After the end of the year, the patterns will still be available but not as the complete bundle. just a heads up.)
Pick up the Zodiac BOM pattern below!
Be sure to check out the facebook group and the hashtags on Instagram (#fbpZodiacBOM, and #fbp + the pattern name, for example #fbpScorpio) to see everyone's incredible blocks!!
Thanks for letting me share with you!
Happy Quilting! and Happy Creating!
I'm really enjoying doing your Zodiac BOM! It's too bad Craftsy is so messed up that I can't download Scorpio or post photos of my completed blocks. How can I get the newest blocks? Best E-mail is: darns352@yahoo.com