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Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Pattern Coming Soon! + Name That Pattern Giveaway!

I really needed a change of pace this week, so I pulled out an old pattern I'd made up a while ago. Well, I'm glad it sat for a while, because it definitely needed some fine tuning. I love those glimpses that let me see that my skills are indeed improving. ;) And because I get too excited about new patterns, and am horrible at keeping them a secret until they are complete, I've decided to walk you through this crazy set of similar, but different, patterns.

About this pattern:
  1. This pattern contains 5 different patterns
  2. The lines and design of each pattern are the SAME, but the layering is DIFFERENT
  3. All patterns are interchangeable and totally compatible with each other!
  4. You can make a 4 quadrant square design, OR make borders and other shapes depending on how you arrange the blocks. This is where I get in trouble... TOO many options!! (are options a bad thing??)
  5. I'll be including TONS of coloring pages.
  6. All patterns are labeled the same to eliminate confusion when combining patterns.

Now let me show you:

1. Here are the 5 different patterns. I've colored them all exactly the same to make it easier to see the differences.

2. Do you notice that all the lines are the same, but the layering is different?! To demonstrate I colored these with a technique I did in high school art class. The Warm Colors are the areas that are closest to us (the lines that advance) with pink being the closest. The colors move to cool as the lines recede into the background with purple being the furthest away.

3. Here is a single block, followed by a block that contains two different patterns. See how the lines seam to weave in and out?!

a block using only one pattern.

 This block is a combination of two patterns. Notice how all of the teals alternate being in the foreground and background?
 This is a little different than the previous design, and without some of the lines. I think this shows the weaving better.

4. Here are a bunch of examples:

Single block repeat

A block with two patterns on repeat
{Sorry, I've tried a number of times to upload this photo but blogger doesn't want to upload it... I'll try again soon. It's similar to the one below.)

Here is a greater repeat and an idea for the background spaces. The possibilities really are endless.

Here are some designs I made, each using only one pattern, but changed how I connected the patterns to create different shapes. Of course you can combine different patterns in these layouts too to make them even more interesting.

I LOVE these designs!

And here are some border examples if you put them in a single row.

And how about a few crazy designs?! You could make an entire quilt out of each of these as is. I think that would be pretty neat!

This one has one pattern in the center, and one pattern around the outside.

This pattern has One pattern on the inside and two different patterns that make up the outside ring.

5. Some examples of some coloring pages. Of course the basics, and then some of the designs I shared above too. I think I'll make some small blocks that you can cut out and mix and match the different patterns to plan your own weaving combinations.

6. See how in this photo each specific line is the same color throughout each pattern? The blocks are labeled in a similar manner, so you will always know which line is the pink line, the orange line, etc. no matter which pattern you are using or how you are combining them.

So what do you think???

I'm working on putting this all into a pattern that will be available for purchase soon. But I have some questions. Will you help me out??
  1. What should I name it?? I'd love your suggestions! If I pick your suggestions, I'll send you a free copy of the pattern! I'm looking for something original, so if there are 10 other quilt blocks with that name, I probably won't pick it. Though maybe well used names will spur some other ideas. My current name is Kaleidoscope Windows, and maybe I'll stick with that. If you're a fan of that name, let me know, and if that's what I stay with I'll pick a winner from those who also like that name. ;)  
  2. What size(s)? Of course I'll do a 12" block. I also like the 6" size but that might be intense with this pattern. Should I do it? 9" block is great for making 18" pillows, or 18" or 24" sizes are good for quilts.  What do you think?
  3. How should I sell these? I definitely want to keep these in a bundle so you get each pattern. I think it's fun to interchange them! If I sell multiple sizes, should I make each size sold separately? For all the work that is going into this, I don't want the pattern to be so expensive that no one can afford it. This is always a tricky balance to find... I know this is something I'm going to have to decide on my own, but I'd love your feedback.
  4. Do you like it?!!!

Thanks for walking through the pattern with me! I can't wait to finish up the pattern and start sewing with it! :)



  1. Diane you have done it again! This block is amazing and has so many possibilities, I cannot wait until it is available. I think the Kaleidoscope Window is a great name for it. Personally I like 18" blocks. I would never make this in a 12" in or 6" size...that is crazy town! If you are going to do multiple sizes I would sell the sets by block size.

  2. This block is unbelievable... with that being said maybe you should name it Kaleidoscope Heaven. I LOVE it! My favorite is the one with the pink cross in the middle, looks like a maltese cross.

  3. Another winner!
    12, 18, and 24.
    can you do etsy?
    Nicole aka Saphre1964

  4. Another winner!
    12, 18, and 24.
    can you do etsy?
    Nicole aka Saphre1964

  5. I love this Diane! I'd be scared of 6" blocks, but maybe 9, 12, and 18?

    I like the name Star Light, Star Bright.

  6. I think the name should be "Venus, Star of the Morning" for a few reasons...Well it looks like a star and Venus is pretty. :)
    But more specifically, it reminds me of the astronomical pattern that Venus makes as it crosses the night sky in relation to Earth. As it goes around, it makes a kinda spiral pattern that is called "the rose of Venus"...not exactly the same but that is what I thought of when I first saw it :)

  7. Matrix Star.
    I'd love a 24" version.

  8. I'm loving your patterns, as always. I would head toward the twenty and twenty-four inch sizes too. I like the smaller blocks, but I think they scare people away. Due to the month, how about Cupids Arrow star, or Cupid's Star. There are so many options out there, and it really doesn't matter what it's called. cdahlgren at live dot com

  9. Kudos with this creation. My first thought was Interstellar since there was a connection between all the stars, but when I kept reading your post and you mentioned Kaleidoscope Window can easily see how you came up with that since the changes in color resembles the kaleidoscope sticks being rotated in different scenarios.

    What ever you call it, I want to make it. It's Absolutely stunning!

  10. AMAZING!!! I would make the 18" & 24". It has a powerful look and comforting messages (heaven, hope, love, joy, and inspiration, ). I would name it "Radiant."

  11. Kaleidoscope fits very well and 18 & 24

  12. Kaleidoscope is good and I can see why you would use window, but it doesn't grab me. I like kaleidoscope mirror or kaleidoscope cell

  13. "Star Galaxy" since there are so many stars out there. It's really a beautiful design!

  14. I forgot to mention the sizes I would like. I think an 18 inch and a smaller size for borders would be good...maybe 6 inch. I would buy them either bundled or separately.

  15. How about Katagami Stars. Katagami is a traditional Japanese art that involves cutting paper stencils and can be used to make kaleidoscopes, which is what all of your variations remind me of.

  16. Since the block is symmetrical inside & out, I would name it "Symmetry: Inside & Out". The old standard ratio for block to border size is 3 to 1, so the block could be 18" and the border 6". However, your single block versions could be alternately turned and by adding one row atop the next, a beautiful 12" wide border would enhance the large blocks nicely, especially if a solid fabric like the white background in your single block row example is used.

  17. I love it! How about 'Woven Kaleidoscope Stars'. I like all the different patterns you can get from the design. All sizes would be good, even super big (modern quilters might like that better). Pattern size, group sizes medium 6", 12"; large 18", 24", jumbo.

  18. These are fantastic! 9", 12", 18", 24" would be great sizes. But, it might be fun to try the 6" block. I love the detail and think it would look fabulous small. How about Star Reflections?

  19. How about "Cosmic Kaleidoscope"? I would think people would like the 9" so that a four patch measures 18". Sell by block size. I like very much, even though learning paper piecing is on my list for this year. poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com

  20. Hi there Diane,
    I just love it! But then again, I love all of your designs!!!
    My offering for a name would be: Bethleham Star. There are 3 main stars in the pattern and that reminds me of the 3 wise men
    I think you should just keep the sizes at 6", 12" and 18". That way, there is a great selection!
    I know how much work goes into a pattern as I am a beginning designer myself. I guess it all boils down to the quantity of patterns sold. I, for one, would not normally spend over $10 for a pattern, but that is just me…I'm a cheap at heart! Ha ha ha

    Anyway, that is just my 2 cents!!!

    Quilty Huggs,
    Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

    Come check out my blog!

  21. I love this block. It's stunning. I think you should name it "Castor and Pollux" after the two brightest stars in the constellation Gemini - there is some Greek mythology about them too. They are known as the "Heavenly Twins" and that's what this block reminds me of. Stars that are the same but slightly different; near twins of each other. I think 9" and 12" blocks are a great idea and I like the idea of selling them as a bundle. Good luck!

  22. I think this block is gorgeous and I love all the different ways you've shown it could be done! I'd definitely buy it. A few questions: are you calling the block all 4 quadrants, and if so, I wouldn't do it any smaller than 12", and would rather do it in 18". Also, is it a paper pieced pattern? And I'm horrible at naming things, So I've got nothing for you on that! :-P As you put the pattern together, I'd love it if you put in all the lovely color variations and the different layouts: Congrats on such a stunning creation!! Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  23. Of course I love it! Your other multi-size pack is $10 and that seems to be a good price point. I like the idea of 6, 12, 18. This one makes me think of those string art projects in the 70s, lol, so how about Star Strings.

  24. 6 for those of us who like mini blocks, 12 for all and 24 for awesome. The only reason I don't like kaleidoscope for the name is that there is the well known quilt block which is kaleidoscope and looks nothing like this. In like the katagami (?) idea. Those border blocks are killer. I'd also be more likely to buy the pattern in a bundle with all sizes included. So fun!

  25. It does look like the patterns we used to see in the Kaleidoscopes we had as kids. If you don't want Kaleidoscope in the name try a Fractured Star or Fractured Crystal. It's kind of like looking inside a Diamond or a Ruby. Sizes up to you but I like 12.

  26. I love it. I like the name Myriad Star (because of the myriad options). It does look like a Kaleidoscope, but that name gets used quite a bit, I think?

  27. Layered Star, or Layered Crystal, maybe? And maybe to keep the costs down, do a multi pack in a standard or smaller size, 8" or 12", then individual ones for the 24". I know if I was doing a 24" paper pieced block it would be to stand on it's own and I would only need one, but 12" mixes nicely with lots of other patterns for a sampler or bee.

  28. What a beautiful pattern. I like Sarah's suggestion of Layered Star, as well as her suggestion about the multipack.

  29. It looks like a stained glass sun catcher to me, so how about "Star Prism"...or something of that nature! It such a beautiful pattern!!!

  30. I would love the woven design! Kaleidoscope Puzzle


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